Gruppe Statistik Schwerpunkt Stochastik Erasmus-Beauftragte Sekretariat Postanschrift: Goethe-Universität Fb. Informatik und Mathematik (Fach 187) 60054 Frankfurt am Main Fachgruppe Stochastik der DMV Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience Frankfurt |
![]() Apl. Prof. Dr. Gaby Schneider Academic Director ++49 (0)69 798-23927 ![]() Research interests- Stochastic models and statistical analysis,- Biological time series and point processes, - Rhythmicity, coordination and change point analysis, - Applications in animal and cellular movement, nocturnal rhythms and neurophysiological spiking patterns. ![]() Lehre
Weitere Lehre in Statistik:
Serviceangebot für andere Fachbereiche: Gruppe Statistik. Statistisches Praktikum. SS 2025Statistik 3 Anleitung zur Statistischen Beratung Modul Interdisciplinary Neuroscience: Cellular Physiology of Dopaminergic Neurons WS 2024/25Betreute Abschlussarbeiten2025Masterarbeiten:Johann Ukrow, Modelling coordinated nocturnal rhythms in ungulates 2024Dissertation:Solveig Plomer, Bivariate change point detection in direction and speed of cell organelle movement Bachelorarbeiten: Jaclyn-Katrin Boppenmaier, Klassifikation von Richtungs- und Schrittweitenänderungen in Organellbewegungen Luis Malter, Varianzanalytische Modelle zur Analyse der Entwicklung von Bienenlarven Per Andres Pohlmann, A geometric approach to the detection of direction changes 2023Masterarbeiten:Annika Meyer, Hidden Markov Modelle zur Analyse von Bewegungsmustern Bachelorarbeiten: Isabella Bauer, Multivariate Zweistichprobenvergleiche Amina Felic, Hauptkomponentenanalyse Florian Lesny, Varianzbetrachtung bei der zensierten Regression 2022Masterarbeiten:Marie Kuhn, Modeling Neuronal Spike Trains with Hawkes Processes Marina Sturm, Nichtparametrische Statistik zur Detektion von Richtungswechseln in Organellenbewegungen 2021Masterarbeiten:Anne Kaiser, Inhomogene Erneuerungsprozesse und Time Rescaling Robin Masic, Methoden der Richtungsstatistik mit Anwendung auf Plastid-Bewegungen Fabian Schneider, Ein multivariater Ansatz zur Analyse der Fütteraktivität von Bienen Bachelorarbeiten: Jeremias van der Wardt, Wachstumsmodellierung von Daphnien unter Einfluss von Mikroplastik Nikolai Krimphove, Die unbalancierte, zweifaktorielle Varianzanalyse angewendet auf das Fütterverhalten von Bienen 2020Dissertation: Matthias Gärtner, Detecting Joint Pausiness in Parallel Spike TrainsBachelorarbeiten: Marius Beer, A segmented regression approach to modeling nursing behavior in bees Sonja Drescher, Anwendung der Hauptkomponentenanalyse auf die Bewegungen von Zellorganellen und Fragen der Robustheit Fabian Roth, Peakdetektion in Zeitreihen mittels Multi-Filter-Algorithmus Masterarbeiten: Lukas Deppe, Schätzung Gradueller Changepoints in verschiedenen Momenten von Lokal Stationären Prozessen Torsten A. Walther, Vergleich von Verfahren zur Detektion von Up- und Down-States in der Aktivität kortikaler Netzwerke 2019Masterarbeiten:Dorian Dolz, Kanonische Korrelationsanalyse Maurice Georgi, Stochastische Modellierung von segmentweise linearen Plastidbewegungen Julien Irmer, Linear and quadratic structural equation modeling - studying the unobservable (in Koop. mit Prof. Andreas Klein) Lucas Then, Cumulant-Covariances and their Application within Homogeneous Marked Poisson Process Models for Parallel Spike Trains Bachelorarbeiten: An Hoang, Metrische multidimensionale Skalierung Abschlussarbeiten vor 2019Dissertationen:Stefan Albert (2018), Stochastic models for variability changes in neuronal point processes Benjamin Straub (2018), Robust stimulus detection with imprecise spiking phase Michael Messer (2014), A Multiple Filter Test for the Detection of Rate Changes in Renewal Processes with Varying Variance Markus Bingmer (2013), A stochastic model for the joint evaluation of burstiness and regularity in oscillatory spike trains Vor 2019 insgesamt 21 Master-/Diplomarbeiten und 20 Bachelorarbeiten. ![]() PublicationsMonographsMesser M., Schneider G. (2019) Statistik: Theorie und Praxis im Dialog. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. JournalsUkrow J., Gübert J., Hahn-Klimroth M., Dierkes P.W., Schneider G. (submitted) Modelling coordinated nocturnal rhythms in ungulates bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.09.13.612804 bioRxiv Preprint Plomer S., Ernst T., Gebhardt P., Schleiff E., Neininger R., Schneider G. (submitted) Bivariate change point detection in movement direction and speed arXiv:2402.02489v1 ArXiv Preprint Plomer S.*, Meyer A.*, Gebhardt P., Ernst T., Schleiff E., Schneider G. (2024) Absolute direction in organelle movement Ecology and Evolution 2024;14:e70092 *equal contribution. Cleppien D., Schwalm M., Backhaus H., Fu T., Aedo-Jury F., Schneider G., Stroh A. (submitted) Crossing the scales: cortical propagation of circuit-dominating slow wave events can be revealed by opto-magnetic imaging Cunze S., Schneider G., Peter N., Klimpel S. (submitted) Linking patterns to processes: Classifying the time series of German Counties raccoon hunting bags over the last 21 years in relation to different stages in the immigration history process Kurzawe M., König Y., Seyrling I., Hahn-Klimroth M., Schneider G., Dierkes P.W. (submitted) Nocturnal behavioral patterns of Lowland (Tapirus terrestris) and Malayan tapirs (Tapirus indicus) in zoos Siefert P., Lau H., Leutz V., Leonhardt S.D., Schneider G., Klein J., Grünewald B. (2024) Acetylcholine and choline in honey bee (Apis mellifera) worker brood food are seasonal and age-dependent. Scientific Reports. 14:18274 Link Gübert J.*, Schneider G.*, Hahn-Klimroth M., Dierkes P. (2023) Nocturnal behavioral patterns of African ungulates in zoos Ecology and Evolution. 13:e10777 Link. *equal contribution Krestel H., Schreier D., Sakiri E., von Allmen A., Abukhadra Y., Nirkko A., Steinlin M., Rosenow F., Markhus R., Schneider G., Jagella C., Mathias J., Blumfeld H. (2023) Predictive Power of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in Fitness-to-Drive Evaluation. Neurology 101(9):e866-e878pdf Fiebig J., Daeron M., Bernecker M., Guo W., Schneider G., Boch R., Bernasconi S.M., Jautzy J., Dietzel M. (2021) Calibration of the dual clumped isotope thermometer for carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 312, 235-256 Straub B., Schneider G. (2020) A model for the study of the increase in stimulus and change point detection with small and variable spiking delays. Neural Computation 32, 1277-1321. Messer M., Backhaus H., Fu T., Stroh A., Schneider G. (2020) A multi scale approach for testing and detecting peaks in time series. Statistics. 54(5), 1058-1080 To the article Farassat N., Costa K.M., Albert S., Kovacheva L., Shin J., Somayaji M., Schneider G., Roeper J. (2019) In vivo functional diversity of midbrain dopamine neurons within identified axonal projections. eLIFE Messer M., Albert S., Schneider G. (2018) The multiple filter test for change point detection in time series. Metrika 81(6), 589-607 Duvarci S., Simpson E., Schneider G., Kandel E., Roeper J., Sigurdsson T. (2018) Impaired recruitment of dopamine neurons during working memory in mice with striatal D2 receptor overexpression. Nature communications 9: 2822 Alt B., Messer M., Roeper J., Schneider G., Koeppl H. (2018) Non-parametric Bayesian inference for change point detection in neuronal spike trains 2018 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) (SSP 2018), Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany Albert S., Schmack K., Sterzer P., Schneider G. (2017) A hierarchical stochastic model for bistable perception PLOS Computational Biology. [R package] Messer, M., Albert, S., Plomer, S., Schneider G. (2017) MFT: The Multiple Filter Test for Change Point Detection (R package version 1.3, URL) Gärtner M., Duvarci S., Roeper J., Schneider G. (2017) Detecting joint pausiness in parallel spike trains. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 285: pp. 69-81. pdf. Albert S., Messer M., Schiemann J., Roeper J., Schneider G. (2017) Multi-scale detection of variance changes in renewal processes in the presence of rate change points. Journal of Time Series Analysis. doi: 10.1111/jtsa.12254. pdf. Messer M., Costa K.M., Roeper J., Schneider G. (2017) Multi-scale detection of rate changes in spike trains with weak dependencies. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 42: pp. 187-201 DOI: 10.1007/s10827-016-0635-3. Accepted version. The final publication is available at Messer M., Schneider G. (2017) The Shark Fin Function - Asymptotic Behavior of the Filtered Derivative for Point Processes in Case of Change Points Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes. Vol. 20(2): pp. 253-272. Journal website. Full-text view arXiv:1409.1025 Gärtner M., Brodbeck V., Laufs H., Schneider G. (2015) A stochastic model for EEG microstate sequence analysis. Neuroimage 104: 199-208. Krabbe S., Duda J., Schiemann J., Poetschke C., Schneider G., Kandel E.R., Liss B., Roeper J., Simpson E.H. (2015): Increased Dopamine D2 Receptor Activity in the Striatum Alters the Firing Pattern of Dopamine Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area. PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1500450112. Horas K., Schnettler R., Maier G., Schneider G., Horas U. (2015): The role of soft-tissue traction forces in bone segment transport for callus distraction. Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction, doi: 10.1007/s11751-015-0220-8. Messer M., Kirchner M., Schiemann J., Roeper J., Neininger R. & Schneider G. (2014): A multiple filter test for the detection of rate changes in renewal processes with varying variance. Annals of Applied Statistics Vol. 8 (4): pp. 2027-2067. Subramaniam M., Kern B., Vogel S., Klose V., Schneider G. & Roeper J. (2014): Selective increase of in vivo firing frequencies in DA SN neurons after proteasome inhibition in the ventral midbrain. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(6):2898-909. Schiemann J., Klose V., Schlaudraff F., Bingmer M., Seino S., Magill P. J., Schneider G., Liss B. & Roeper J. (2012): K-ATP channels control in vivo burst firing of dopamine neurons in the medial substantia nigra and novelty-induced behavior. Nature Neuroscience 15:1272-80 Vlachos A., Bas-Orth C., Schneider G. & Deller T. (2012): Time-lapse imaging of granule cells in mouse entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures reveals changes in spine stability after entorhinal denervation. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520:1891-1902 Bingmer M., Schiemann J., Roeper J. & Schneider G. (2011): Measuring burstiness and regularity in oscillatory spike trains. Journal of Neuroscience Methods Vol. 201: 426-437 Wandtner F., Schneider G., Edler L. (2011): BMD Approach for censored time-to-event (TTE) data for risk assessment of carcinogens. Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik Greifswalder Seminarberichte Vol. 18, pp. 153-169 Vuksic M., Del Turco D., Vlachos A., Schuldt G., Müller C. M., Schneider G., Deller T. (2011): Unilateral Entorhinal denervation leads to long-lasting dendritic alterations of mouse hippocampal granule cells. Experimental Neurology Vol. 230 (2):176-85 Doehring A., Küsener N., Flühr K., Neddermeyer T. J., Schneider G., Lötsch J. (2011). Effect sizes in experimental pain produced by gender, genetic variants and sensitization pro-cedures. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17724. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017724 Willasch A. , Eing S., Weber G., Kuci S., Schneider G., Soerensen S., Jarisch A., Rettinger E., Koehl U., Klingebiel T., Kreyenberg H., Bader P. (2011) Enrichment of cell subpopulations by MACS Technology for PCR-based chimerism analysis. Miltenyi Biotec MACS&more Vol. 13 (1), pp. 31-33. Bingmer M., Özkan V., Jo J.-M., Lee K.-J., Baik H. S., & Schneider G. (2010) Multiharmony - a new concept for the cephalometric evaluation of craniofacial patterns. European Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 32, pp. 645-654 Willasch A., Eing S., Weber G., Kuci S., Schneider G., Sörensen J., Jarisch A., Rettinger E., Köhl U., Klingebiel T., Kreyenberg H. & Bader P. (2010) Enrichment of cell subpopulations applying automated MACS technique - Purity, recovery and applicability for PCR based chimerism analysis. Bone Marrow Transplantation 45, pp. 181-189 Willasch A., Gruhn B., Coliva T., Kalinova M., Schneider G., Kreyenberg H., Steinbach D., Weber G., Hollink I., Zwaan M., Biondi A., van der Velden V., Reinhardt D., Cazzaniga G., Bader P. & Trka J. (2009) Standardization of WT1 mRNA quantitation for minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring in childhood AML and implications of WT1 gene mutations: A European multicenter study. Leukemia 23(8) pp. 1472-9 Schneider G. (2008): Messages of oscillatory correlograms - a spike train model. Neural Computation, Vol. 20 (5), pp. 1211-1238 Schneider G., Nikolic D. (2008): A stochastic framework for the quantification of synchronous oscillation in neuronal networks. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2008, pp. 169-172 Willasch A., Schneider G., Reincke B.S., Shayegi N., Kreyenberg H., Ku-Ci S., Weber G., van der Reijden B., Niethammer D., Klingebiel T. & Bader P. (2007) Characterisation of chimerism by sequence polymorphism systems for quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction -- high informativity and sensitivity as well as excellent reproducibility and precision of measurement. Lab. Hematology, Vol. 13(3), pp. 73-84 A. Willasch, G. Schneider, B. S. Reincke, N. Shayegi, H. Kreyenberg, S. Kuci, G. Weber, B. van der Reijden, D. Niethammer, T. Klingebiel & P. Bader (2007): Sequence polymorphism PCR systems for characterization of chimerism - High informativity, sensitivity and reproducibility. Klinische Paediatrie 219, p. 195 S. Eing, A. Willasch, G. Schneider, S. Kuci, H. Kreyenberg, G. Weber, T. Klingebiel & P. Bader (2007): Purity and efficiency of cell subpopulation enrichment after stem cell transplantation using AutoMACS technology. Klinische Paediatrie 219, p. 183 Schneider G., Havenith M.N., Nikolic D. (2006): Spatio-temporal structure in large neuronal networks detected from cross correlation. Neural Computation, Vol. 18(10), pp. 2387-2413 Schneider G., Nikolic D. (2006): Detection and assessment of near-zero delays in neuronal spiking activity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods Vol. 152, pp. 97-106 Schneider G., Grün S. (2003): Analysis of higher-order correlations in multiple parallel processes. Neurocomputing, 52-54, pp.771-777 ![]() Impressum
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