Algebraic and Topological Methods in Discrete Mathematics

Finite reflection groups, hyperplane arrangements,

and (oriented) matroids

(BaM-DAM-k, MaM-DGAK-k)

Prof. Raman Sanyal

Winter term 2024/25



In this advanced course, we connect combinatorics through geometry and algebra back to combinatorics. The starting point is the observation that the symmetric group \(\mathfrak{S}_n\) (=permutations of an \(n\)-element set under composition) describes the symmetries of a regular simplex (segments, triangles, tetrahedra, etc.). The generators of the group, the transpositions \((i,j)\), correspond to reflections in hyperplanes \(\{x : x_i = x_j\}\). The complement of these \(\binom{n}{2}\) hyperplanes are \(n!\) isometric convex cones that bijectively correspond to the elements in \(\mathfrak{S}_n\). This gives a purely geometric perspective on permutations and their combinatorics. This combinatorial-geometric interplay will be generalized in the first part of the lecture to reflection groups, i.e., finite symmetry groups generated by reflections in hyperplanes. It turns out that there are only finitely many reflection groups per dimension, and they are completely described by the well-known Dynkin diagrams.

The mirrors of a reflection group form a hyperplane arrangement. Hyperplane arrangements are natural and recurring configurations of geometric objects, independent of group structure. Given \(n\) affine hyperplanes in \(\mathbb{R}^d\), how many components does \(\mathbb{R}^d\) break into when the hyperplanes are removed? How many of these components are bounded? For \(n\) random lines in the plane, the number of components and bounded components is the evaluation of the polynomial \(p(t) = t^2 - nt + \binom{n}{2}\) at \(t=-1\) or \(t=1\), respectively.

Intersections of subsets of hyperplanes yield affine subspaces that are partially ordered by inclusion. The resulting intersection posets (partially ordered sets) contain enough information to answer the above questions. For example, for the arrangement of the \(n\) coordinate hyperplanes \(H_i = \{ x_i = 0\}\) in \(\mathbb{R}^d\), the intersection poset is isomorphic to the Boolean lattice \( (2^{[n]},\subseteq)\). When all hyperplanes are linear (i.e., contain the origin), there is a purely(!) combinatorial characterization of the resulting posets. The defining properties of the resulting posets are cryptomorphic to matroids, which are discrete structures that abstract dependencies in linear algebra. Matroids and their combinatorics are related to virtually all areas of mathematics, and recent advances in understanding their combinatorics make them a very timely topic in discrete mathematics.

Starting from the ubiquitous reflection groups, this lecture introduces the combinatorics of hyperplane arrangements and matroids. Central to the course are the numerous connections to classical discrete structures and the many different perspectives.

Lecture notes + Problem sheets

Research Opportunity: Dive Into Research

The topics of the lecture are fundamental to the research project Simpliciality in Arrangements and Matroids, which is part of the new DFG Priority Program Combinatorial Synergies. The aim of the project is to investigate the geometry of simplicial hyperplane arrangements and the algebraic/geometric combinatorics of simplicial (oriented) matroids. The starting point for the project are the observed phenomena:

The project is led by Prof. Michael Cuntz (Hannover), Prof. Lukas Kühne (Bielefeld), and Prof. Raman Sanyal (Frankfurt). The lecture will be (virtually) held at all three locations, involving all project participants. The lecture is open to all interested parties.

The lecture serves as the foundation for a Dives into Research (DiR) opportunity. DiR programs offer advanced Bachelor’s and Master’s students the chance to engage in cutting-edge research through carefully designed projects under the mentorship of experienced senior researchers.

Following the lecture, up to 12 students will have the opportunity to participate in research projects focusing on the simpliciality of arrangements and matroids. The program will take place from March 10–28, 2025, in Hannover.

Interested Bachelor’s and Master’s students are invited to apply for participation. Applications must be submitted as a single PDF and should include the following:

Please email your application to lukas[insert a dot here] by January 12, 2025. Decisions will be communicated by the end of January. Travel and lodging expenses will be covered for accepted participants.

Prerequisites and Rules

Prerequisites for the lecture are Linear Algebra 1+2 and knowledge of Discrete Mathematics (comparable to the required lecture Discrete Mathematics (BaM-DM)). Depending on the participants, the lecture may be held in English.

There will be weekly exercise sheets discussed in tutorials. The final exam is an oral exam. Further details will be announced later.

If you wish to attend the lecture, please register informally by email with Prof. Sanyal (sanyal@math.uni-...).

When and Where

The lecture will take place from October 15 on Tuesdays from 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM in room 902 on Robert-Mayer Str. 10. The lecture will also be streamed online. Participants will receive the Zoom link for the lecture in advance.

There is a weekly in-person exercise session at all three locations. Please see the teaching schedule in Bielefeld, Frankfurt, and Hannover for details. There is also an online exercise session Fridays at 8:30. The Zoom link is the same as for the lectures.