A Frankfurt-Darmstadt Afternoon on Discrete Mathematics

July 3, 2015, 16:00 s.t.

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Bockenheim

Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Room 711 groß

The afternoon is generally aimed at friends of discrete mathematics in Frankfurt and Darmstadt. Interested guests from other locations are also very welcome to attend.

Schedule (Abstracts here):

Organizers: Marc Pfetsch (Darmstadt), Thorsten Theobald (Frankfurt)

In order to facilitate dinner logistics and to have enough coffee available, please indicate your attendence by sending an e-mail with subject "Afternoon" and content "I intend to come. Dinner: Yes/No" to ( --- Event has passed --- ) (Secretary, Anja Zierau). Thanks.